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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Somthing between 1x lite and 1n

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Hey all.  Looking for a stick that will play somewhere between the 1n and the 1x lite (for my son).  He loves the pop and lively blade of the 1x lite and the heavy shot of the 1n.  Doesn't really have a preference from a stickhandling perspective although he likes the light weight of the 1x lite. Thinking maybe True A6.0 or the Jetspeed.  He is a power forward that scores most of his goals from within 10 feet of the net and in traffic so getting the shot off quickly and being able to elevate the puck quickly from in close are important.  Any insights or recommendations?

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Alpha QX has an in between kick point (not sure if that’s what you mean).

Tacks As1 has a super stiff blade and mid kick. 

Sherwood bpm 150 has a lively blade and is mid kick. They’re cheap but they play like any top of the line stick.


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