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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer IMS 9.0 helmet help

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Hey guys so I bought a Bauer IMS 9.0 helmet and it came without the plugs behind the ear to attach a facemask.  No big deal I bought an AR Helmet Repair kit.  I screwed the dome screws in but my Jofa cage clips would not lock in on them.  So I decided to try with the clips that the kit provides but there is no way I can force them to connect.  I've tried just between my hands and it with it attached to the helmet.  Am I doing something wrong?

These are dome screws right?


Here is me using all my strength to force them together.


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33 minutes ago, nyquil said:

I've tried them attached to the helmet.  Tried using the palm of my hand, tried rocking back and forth and they wouldn't go.

I promise it will go. Just keep putting pressure on it. 

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10 hours ago, nyquil said:

Hey guys so I bought a Bauer IMS 9.0 helmet and it came without the plugs behind the ear to attach a facemask.  No big deal I bought an AR Helmet Repair kit.  I screwed the dome screws in but my Jofa cage clips would not lock in on them.  So I decided to try with the clips that the kit provides but there is no way I can force them to connect.  I've tried just between my hands and it with it attached to the helmet.  Am I doing something wrong?

These are dome screws right?


Here is me using all my strength to force them together.


I've had the same, do some diy repair on it. You need a fine rat tail file and a bit of patience, file around the clip hole, test it, repeat until it clips on. Often it doesn't take much.

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I also got this at Pure Hockey.  Think I am going to visit the LHS sometime this week and get a Bauer kit and not leave to store until they work.

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Went to my LHS tonight and got the Bauer helmet kit.  Dome screws now work perfectly.  Moral of the story, don't buy the AR helmet kit.

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