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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick blade fix

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Hard to tell how bad it really is from the picture, so maybe worse than it looks. I have an xcore and there are small chips along the insert that have flaked off, but it hasn't gotten worse over time. Careful running your finger over that edge, they are sharp!!!

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Unfortunately, that area is hard to repair. You can use some flexible epoxy and compress the blade but it will likely separate again fairly quickly so it won't be a long-term fix. How long have you had the stick? 

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I don't know of anyone who has succesfully injected anything into a blade and had it last (and i have tried lots of different products). The big problem you have is there is nothing stable inside the blade that can be bound together hence whatever you glue or epoxy in there, it will eventually let go from whatever surface it has adhered to. The only long lasting fix is a carbon fibre repair, grind the area around the break out then rewrap the blade with carbon fibre then sand back and paint (painting is optional). I did this with my ax1 and although the blade is a little bit stiffer than original, it didn't let go after 4 months of solid use.

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