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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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specs78 last won the day on October 28 2018

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  1. Recently picked up a pair of Verbero Cypress 4 roll gloves. On the tag they say they are heat moldable but no instructions provided. Any advice on baking a pair of gloves at home? I searched and didn't find any info. Thanks
  2. I can only speak to the Bauer Concept III, but some games it was crystal clear, and some games I was jumping on the ice with it totally fogged. Totally depended on the temp/humidity in the rink. I loved the vision in the hybrid, but got tired of dealing with fog issues (and I tried all the recommended stuff to prevent fogging). I would be surprised if the slight change in the vent pattern really changed the performance, but I hope CCM figured something out cause I loved it when it worked. Went to a CCM flat bar white cage and I love it. Vision is great and cooler too.
  3. Yeah, that's really more my point. D3O may be amazing, but the way it is used in my particular pads it seems like a gimmick. Too little, too thin and too firm to do much. If I were to get these pads again, I would seriously look at the one step down version that just has regular padding in the elbow pocket.
  4. Hard to tell how bad it really is from the picture, so maybe worse than it looks. I have an xcore and there are small chips along the insert that have flaked off, but it hasn't gotten worse over time. Careful running your finger over that edge, they are sharp!!!
  5. IIRC didn't a lot of people have issues with the belt on the blue/grey project girdle being really short too?
  6. I am not 100% sure beyond the d30 foam in the 7092. That being said, I don’t think the d30 does anything. I have the 6052 elbows that have it, and it is so thin and hard I honestly wish it wasn’t there. I have taken a few falls where I landed right on the d30. Ouch. I wish there was just some normal foam instead. I have seen some of the newer ccm stuff has d30 lite, which actually seemed more squishy and padded than what is in mine, so maybe the new stuff is better. But my opinion of d30 is that it looks and sounds cool, and doesn’t do much beyond that. Pretty happy with the straps and the fit though. They have held up just fine
  7. I have a fitlite with white bars and it just vanishes. The flat bars really make a difference. I had been wearing a Bauer concept 3 shield and got tired of the fog issues, so I went cage. I found that there was a really obvious difference in vision between the Bauer and ccm cages based on where the bars landed. For me, the Bauer bars felt like they were right where I was looking, and the ccm bars felt out of the way. If you can, bring your helmet in see how the cages would actually sit. I was surprised how much it mattered for me
  8. LOL. I actually like REKKER even though I agree it is nonsense....no clue why, I just do.
  9. I really like my mid level CCMs from a few years back (U12's, I think). I think the newer gen Jetspeed ones look pretty similar. The absolute lightest? Not sure, but I never notice wearing them, and the shoulder caps seem protective but not bulky. The spine protection seems pretty good. As always, go with what fits you best.
  10. Yup. Surgical outcomes are generally excellent...but not always. Second point I'd make: I bet your vision in general is actually really useful with a -1.75/-0.50 combination. I am guessing your midrange and near vision is really good without glasses, and your distance isn't half bad either (as you said). A laser based procedure would likely create a whole new set of deficiencies in your near vision. I know hockey is important and all, but being able to read is pretty key for most people. CLE is an option with multifocal lenses, but I am not sure you would really gain much from a functional vision standpoint. Surgery can be a great options for the right set of eyes, but I still think you are on the right track with the RGPs. Anyways, good luck!
  11. You have probably just forgotten about the adaptation when you were younger. Give it a little time. RGPs will ultimately give you the best acuity of all of the vision correction options.
  12. Have you tried ebay or sideline swap? I just looked and there is a pair of 9K size 9.5 ice skates that look pretty new on ebay. You could switch those to roller.
  13. Good point. The rink I play at my games are all on Sunday nights pretty late. There is nobody there to sharpen skates. That means a 30 min drive to the good place (closer places are always a gamble). Time spent there, etc.If I played just a little bit more often, I would probably be thinking about a Sparx myself.
  14. I have a really wide head and have really struggled finding a helmet that fits. I currently wear a Reebok 4k which works well, but I just tried on the CCM 3DS which was freaking amazing. I tried all the other cheaper CCM ones and none worked, but the 3DS was THE most comfortable helmet I have ever tried. Downside , one of the most expensive ones out there.
  15. It sounds like the same debate that we have about every other piece of gear. Does it fit? If it doesn't fit you, it isn't right. Personally, the speedplate have made my skates way more comfortable. I tried superfeet. and they didn't feel right at all, tons of arch pain. That being said, there are lots of people who had the exact opposite experience. It sounds like the speedplates are myaybe not quite as moldable as advertised, and there is a more specific foot type they fit, but for me, they are just right. I cannot speak to durability, as I have only had them a few months and am a pretty casual player. We shall see how they hold up...
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