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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Clear Plastic Pieces in OPS

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I just ordered a pro stock stick from HockeyMonkey. When I received it, there were little shards of clear/milky plastic on the inside. I removed the end cap and they all dumped out. When I bang the stick on the ground, more seem to come loose. Is this some type of glue on the interior of the stick breaking apart, or is the stick faulty? I'm not sure if I should send it back or if it's a non-issue. Thoughts?

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3 hours ago, FlyChicaga said:

I just ordered a pro stock stick from HockeyMonkey. When I received it, there were little shards of clear/milky plastic on the inside. I removed the end cap and they all dumped out. When I bang the stick on the ground, more seem to come loose. Is this some type of glue on the interior of the stick breaking apart, or is the stick faulty? I'm not sure if I should send it back or if it's a non-issue. Thoughts?

Can you take a pic of them? 

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