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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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equipment sale - Paragon

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I was just in Paragon Sports in NYC today. They had 20% off all of their hockey equipment and some of the composite sticks seemed like a good deal, though I haven't been following prices on those. Anyway, if anyone is interested, their link is: Paragon. I believe the salesperson saiid the sale was through the end of the month or until supplies are gone on the sale equipment.

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I think i may have to take a visit this weekend. I'll let you know about all the good deals i snag up :) The best is when you can get everything dirt cheap at this huge stores that dont know prices on anything. I picked up 2 Vapor XX sticks and a regular synergy at Galyans the other day for $175

If anyone wants me to pick something up, let me know

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I think i may have to take a visit this weekend. I'll let you know about all the good deals i snag up :) The best is when you can get everything dirt cheap at this huge stores that dont know prices on anything. I picked up 2 Vapor XX sticks and a regular synergy at Galyans the other day for $175

If anyone wants me to pick something up, let me know

Are you serious?! I was there and they were all priced normally. I think the vapor was 160 and the synergy was around there. Crazy ass Roosevelt Field.

I'm gonna hve to check out Paragons tomorrow, then. I remember the last time they had one of these blowouts, I was able to pick up red/black jofa 6500 shoulders for 30 and a jofa 690 helmet for 20.

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Hmm...still might be worth checking out. I remember they had z-bubble shafts and quest 1 shafts for $10 at that sale last year in some bin. Was the sale in the main floor or was it in the hockey floor(basement)?

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I picked up 2 Vapor XX sticks and a regular synergy at Galyans the other day for $175

Did you switch the price stickers, or did somebody else do that for you :o

How much were the SyNergys?

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Did you switch the price stickers, or did somebody else do that for you :o

How much were the SyNergys?

i know for a fact that the pricetages werent switched. I dont know how much the regular synergy's were.

94, they dont have any Jofa shoudlerpads on the site, so i dont know if the store has any. Even if they have them, they would be around the same price as most e-tailers factoring in tax and shipping costs.

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I almost whipped out my wallet right when I saw some of those prices... before I realized its in American Dollars.

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looks like all the stores are clearing out before the new inventory.

sports authority has some big sales if you look closely.

i saw nike quest helmet marked down from $130 to $30 today. the OPS sticks are marked down a little, but not that much yet.

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