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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reviews of STX RX3 and 1x Lite protectives?

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Anyone have experience with the new STX RX3 shoulder/elbow pads or the Vapor 1X Lite shoulder/elbow pads? I'm supposed to get Christmas gifts so I can sort of hint at what I want. 🙂

My current elbow pads constantly slide down. I've resorted to rolling up my compression shirt's sleeves to keep them up for now. Do you have any other elbows to compare to?

I want whatever is less bulky and lightweight, especially the shoulder pads. Something that can maintain a light weight and can shed all the water weight off. I sweat a lot and my current shoulder pads really weigh down by the third period.

How do the RX3s compare to the 1X Lites in terms of weight? Any opinions on their sweat wicking abilities? Do the sleeved elbow pads of the RX3 get really smelly and annoying?

Welcome to other suggestions too. FYI I'm on the skinny side so the pads will probably have to be more form fitting.

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FWIW I have Bauer 1s pads and to be honest the elbows could be better. I don’t like the 37.5 liner, it makes them harder to get on and I don’t believe the sweat wicking claims, as they are covered by the jersey. I find the liner slows down the drying out process afterwards. Also even though mine are small, they are a bit wide for my thin arms. I wear medium in shoulders and shorts, but my legs and arms are youth width, adult length. The protection and general quality are good. The elbows don’t get smelly, so the antibacterial claims seem true. I also have 1s shoulder pads, I can’t fault them, took a slap shot to the shoulder, didn’t feel a thing. 

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