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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok skates Loose blades

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Hello All,

     Anybody have problems with blades coming loose on the E-Pro holders??? both of my skates have loose blades now, I didn't think that should ever happen because they put loc tite on those bolts when they put them together. I'm a little worried about this, since I'll have to constantly check them I guess.  I was skating on them in a game last night, and had a lot of problems with turning and stopping.  

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Not being familiar, is it possible the holes on the the E-Pro and/or the blade have elongated due to wear? If there is enough slop between the bolts and the hole, the blades may be loose even with locality on the bolts. Also I wonder if there is enough clamp pressure at the bolts to hold the runner tighter. 

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8 hours ago, JR Boucicaut said:

You're just going to have to make sure you check them every time you skate, despite the fact there's blue Loctite on them.

Yea you're right, I checked them over today. Looks like whatever Loctite was on a couple of the screws wasn't really enough, some didn't have any hardly. I loaded up all 4 of them up with some Loctite and cranked them back in real snug. I will keep an eye on them periodically, but thankfully the skates aren't damaged. 😁 


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