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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stock Warrior Question

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Can someone help me identify what stick I actually got? I was looking around the forum and couldn't find any of the codes people are talking about on the sticks I got. All they have are the S/N: 15AH00749 and QXT-PT-88 inside the shaft.

Here is the one I got https://www.prostockhockey.com/hockey-sticks/player-sticks/right-alpha-qxt-pro-team-75-flex-stick-w88/

Is it just an Alpha Pro?

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QXTs are the QX3 with different graphics. These are marketed towards junior and college teams who want to spend slightly less. 

I think it’s a great stick, especially give the price. Maybe slightly blade heavy, but you only notice that if you’re looking for it. 

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8 hours ago, start_today said:

QXTs are the QX3 with different graphics. These are marketed towards junior and college teams who want to spend slightly less. 

I think it’s a great stick, especially give the price. Maybe slightly blade heavy, but you only notice that if you’re looking for it. 

Do you know what kinda carbon they use? I know on the QRE Pro Teams its a Minimus 800... 

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My son had the QX4 retail and then I grabbed him one of these in 55 flex for his birthday, it is a noticeably nicer sticker through and through. Overall weight is lighter, balance is better, has more feel in the blade, and seems to be a bit more consistent. I know it's not the top of the line stick but for nearly 1/3 of the price I think it's a great stick.

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