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Long shot question regarding old Mission skates

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I have a pair of Mission fuel 95 XP with the pitch 3 runners size 7d. Runner sets have shown up on ebay, my issue is is I have no idea what size. The steel on these skates are so worn down the number is completely gone..If it was on the holder at some point that's gone also. I assume they are 254mm, 263mm or 272mm. Is there anyway to measure? 

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Mm= millimeters 

get a ruler with metric markings and place one end of the blade on the end of the ruler and count the markings along the length of the blade. 

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7 hours ago, guno89 said:

I have a pair of Mission fuel 95 XP with the pitch 3 runners size 7d. Runner sets have shown up on ebay, my issue is is I have no idea what size. The steel on these skates are so worn down the number is completely gone..If it was on the holder at some point that's gone also. I assume they are 254mm, 263mm or 272mm. Is there anyway to measure? 

It's not gone on the holder.  It's stamped along the tower, in between the rivets.  

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2 hours ago, JR Boucicaut said:

It's not gone on the holder.  It's stamped along the tower, in between the rivets.  

Ill check again. Amazingly I found a brand new pair of mission fuel ag on eBay yesterday. Size 7.5 i can read the size from the pic it uses 263mm runners! 

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