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Fish bowl vs fish bowl

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I’m wondering if anyone has tried both the Bauer concept 3 and the new CCM fish bowl?  Main talking points would be fit, Fogging up, weight and scratch resistance. My local shop says they are the exact same. But from just looking at them the CCM looks to be a bit better designed. 

Thank you for any thoughts 





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I have the CCM. 0 fog, 0 scratches. Clean it with warm water and soap.. do NOT use anti fog spray, etc. Took me a skate or two to get used to it but so far I'm really liking it. Nobody chirps me for it either... I see a few guys on other teams using one.

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CCM all day. I tried the Bauer a couple years ago and it fogged constantly so I switched to the Bauer Hybrid. When CCM released theirs, I picked it up and haven't looked back. The main difference is where CCM positions the bars at the mouth. Bauer has a vertical bar running directly in front of your mouth causing the hot air to hit it and then move up on the shield. CCM's bars are positioned away from the mouth and wider than Bauers and I haven't had one single issue with it since I've had it. I bought it in Oct. I've also had it on two different helmets, Bauer ReAkt 75 and my new True Dynamic Pro 9. No fit issues on either. My daughter has the junior version on her Alpha One Pro with no issues either. Far and away the best fishbowl you can buy right now. It's also held up pretty well to sticks as I've taken about 6 high sticks to the face since I've had it.

Sidenote - about 2 years ago I purchased the avision ahead and that had similar problems to the Bauer with fogging on the bottom half of the visor which I think was due to how small the holes where at the bottom of the bowl. I got rid of that very quickly as well. 

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Thank you for your input. I think I will give the CCM and try.  On a side not how are you liking the true helmet.  I tried one on the other day and it fit really well.  




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14 hours ago, SILVER82 said:

Thank you for your input. I think I will give the CCM and try.  On a side not how are you liking the true helmet.  I tried one on the other day and it fit really well.  




They are awesome, as long as they fit you properly. 🙂

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