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Skate help (profile, pitch). CCM Bauer Quad profile

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Hey everyone. Wanted to post this to see if anyone can shed insight on what may be the best resolution to this. I started off with a quad 1 profile on my 2017 supertacks(size 5.5). Loved the way it felt after an adjustment.

I have since also got a good deal on the 2017 Bauer Vapor 1x(size 5 as per 3d scan) with the 246 steel and also got the same quad 1 profile as well. 

Both steel on the CCM and Bauer skates are the stepsteel black. As mentioned I love how the CCM with the quad 1 profile felt. I didn't really like how the vapor felt skating though. Felt I was a little too much pitched forward on the balls of my feet. 

Also note when I put the same quad 1 steel on my mx3 (size 5.5), it felt fine and similar to the CCM ST. 

For the vapor 1x 246 quad 1, should I profile the steel to match the feel of the supertacks quad 1 skate or would something like a shim on the front of the 1x be tried first ?  I would just like the same feel as the CCM as I do like the vapor boot fit. 

Edited by soulchoice

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