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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
JR Boucicaut

CCM AS3 Pro Skate Initial Thoughts

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11 hours ago, salibandy said:

Hey guys, was looking through this thread and wondering - would the FT1s be more similar in stiffness to the AS3? I really can't see the benefit of a super stiff skate like the AS3 pro, being a light guy.

The FT1 is slightly less stiff compared to the AS3. The AS3 is between a FT1 and a FT2. 

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On 11/15/2020 at 2:33 AM, SkateWorksPNW said:

The FT1 is slightly less stiff compared to the AS3. The AS3 is between a FT1 and a FT2. 

Thanks for the clarification, mate. It confirms that I don't need a high level skate like the AS3 Pro.

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