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Roller Skates to Ice Skates?

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Hey All, I tried searching on these forums for an answer but couldn’t quite find what I was looking for. 

ive been looking online for some Nike zoom air skates and there tend to be a fair amount of zoom air roller skates that come up but I only place ice hockey. I was wondering what it’s like to convert roller skates to ice skates. My 2 biggest questions are what is the stiffness like on a roller boot compared to an ice boot and then second, what is the protection like on a roller skate compared to an ice boot if you’re to get hit with a puck in the boot or on the toe cap etc?

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Depends on what boot you will have. I have RBZ roller boot converted to ice snd there are no problems at all. I've even read somewhere that RBZ inline is stiffer that ice due to warmer temperatures it is used, abd therefore to provide adequate stiffness. The only thing that can cause discomfort is ventilation in toe cap, can be cold if you use it on outside rinks and sometimes snow gets into it.

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In general, roller boots are usually not as good as ice boots. In this case, the zoom air ice and roller boots were identical as far as I know. You would have no issue putting a holder on them. Now, when it comes to stiffness and protection, there's no way that going 25 years back in time is going to compare to today's options. Meaning, if you're looking at Zoom airs for the performance, you're barking up the wrong tree. If you want a cool retro skate for drop in and pond hockey, you'll be fine playing with these as long as they're in good condition

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