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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Popularity of Koho composites in Sweden?

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Yea, I'm watching the Lulea and Frolunda game and I noticed alot of the players have the yellow Koho Revolution OPS. Is that the same stick that's being sold at Canadian Tire stores because it sure looks like it. I don't think the Swedish teams have any contracts on what sticks they can use since I saw a couple guys on Lulea with Vector 110's and I believe one person with a Stealth. Are these really popular in Sweden or something?

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There is an actual Koho OPS different from the Canadien Tire one, suposedly the new RBK OPS is just a painted over Koho. I did notice alot of the sweddish players use this stick. Maybe its cause the yellow matches their countries colors :huh:

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Does that mean I can buy a Rbk OPS "Pump" or whatever they are called and get a curve EXACTLY the same as the Koho Jagr?

It's the Datsyuk curve now.

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Yes the yellow Koho OPS is pretty popular here in Sweden. I have no idea however if it's the same stick you're asking about, the Canadian Tire one, as I've never heard of that. Koho as a brand has always been pretty big here though, so that could explain a bit. In the 80s they even made a helmet that looked kind of like the Bauer 8000 in a way.

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Yes the yellow Koho OPS is pretty popular here in Sweden. I have no idea however if it's the same stick you're asking about, the Canadian Tire one, as I've never heard of that. Koho as a brand has always been pretty big here though, so that could explain a bit. In the 80s they even made a helmet that looked kind of like the Bauer 8000 in a way.


I'm talking about that stick...

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