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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel Set Up

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What is the best wheel set up in terms of softness and size, im not looking for any particular brands of wheels.

What is Labedas durometer in numbers? X-soft and Soft.

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It says on Epuck X-soft is 73 and soft is 75.

and as for best setup.. it's mainly on personal preference... i like my rink rat hornets 62/76

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Again, its personal preference. Generally speaking the lighter you are, the softer the wheel you can use and have some amount of durability. Also, some people on hilo setups will use harder wheels on the larger rear wheels since you have more wheel contact with the floor, and softer wheels on the front two since there is less wheel contact. I personall use 78a rink rat hornets as I am a bigger guy.

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HiLo Rinkrat Hornet 62/78A (I'm a big guy)

If youre a bigger guy, you honestly cant go wrong with the 62/78a hornets. I normally tear through wheels, withing a month or two. I've got a solid 5 months out of my first set, they didn't even crack after that, they were just starting to lose a little grip. I'm at the four month mark on my current set, and I'm sure I'll get at least the rest of this season out of them, another 2 months.

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Labeda doesn't release their durometers regardless of what websites may tell you..in the past on their order forms they had the Milleniums as a 78A type of wheel...if you followed the sku's from the other types they had..

despite what people think...most people can't tell the difference from 2 durometer points ...there is variability within a pour, etc..

we set some guys up with Hyper to test a couple years back, they liked to bring out the basement phd's when talking wheels...Hyper sends them a couple sets, all printed etc like different retail models when they were all the same wheel...guys had no idea..

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