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Replacing a Mission Inhaler helmet, suggestions

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I love this helmet but it's done and needs to be replaced, unfortunately. Wasn't able to find one anywhere online being so old, so looks like i'll need to find something else. Any suggestions for anything that might be similar?

I almost exclusively play roller hockey, non contact. So protection is not a priority. Something comfortable and breathable at a good price point would be ideal, like the Inhaler was. Think I originally got it for $90 without a cage.


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1 hour ago, wickedslappah said:

I love this helmet but it's done and needs to be replaced, unfortunately. Wasn't able to find one anywhere online being so old, so looks like i'll need to find something else. Any suggestions for anything that might be similar?

I almost exclusively play roller hockey, non contact. So protection is not a priority. Something comfortable and breathable at a good price point would be ideal, like the Inhaler was. Think I originally got it for $90 without a cage.


Protection is always important regardless of whether you play roller hockey, ice hockey, mountain bike, or rollerblade. That being said, maybe look at the new Bauer Hyperlite helmet. It's pricey but lightweight and many people I know that play competition roller hockey seem to like it. 

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A 5100 or Re-Akt-75 should fit similarly with comparable, maybe slightly less protection. Inhaler was back in the HC100 days from Itech, or was it the Intake(?) and iirc they produced Mission branded Bauer helmets for a few years after, with a Re-Akt style single point adjustment shell i want to say.


If you're able to wear a small, HM has huge discounts on Resistance helmets as well

Edited by Buzz_LightBeer
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