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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Cxn holders

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Was there a big advantage to the cxn holders?  They aren’t made anymore.  Would going to a tuuk or CCM holder be the same or would the pitch be different?  What profile would replicate the pitch?

Edited by iceman8310

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I don’t know about advantage, but I liked the aggressive (forward) pitch of the CXN holder and stock steel. 

I have CXNs on a pair of mako 2s and a pair of TF7s. both pairs feel the same pitch wise I don’t know the radius or profile of the stock steel. Coincidentally I also have a pair of Makos with Epros that have a similar feel.
I have tried to replicate the feel on tuuks with 3mm heel lifts but I haven’t found the sweet spot yet.


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