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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Awesome Backpack!

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Just a heads up. I wanted a Pacific Rink Pond Pack for coaching, but they are pricey.  While waiting for a used one to show up somewhere,  I  discovered the Snowshine backpack.  It was $79 from Thuro ($125 elsewhere)  and it's essentially the same pack! Heavy duty construction, great straps, holds a ton, and I am thrilled!  If you are in the market...check it out.

Edited by Jbear
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48 minutes ago, Jbear said:

Just a heads up. I wanted a Pacific Rink Pond Pack for coaching, but they are pricey.  While waiting for a used one to show up somewhere,  I  discovered the Snowshine backpack.  It was $79 from Thuro ($125 elsewhere)  and it's essentially the same pack! Heavy duty construction, great straps, holds a ton, and I am thrilled!  If you are in the market...check it out.

Link: https://thuroshop.com/products/snowshine-sports-the-shiner-skate-backpack-ice-roller-inline-snow

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My single complaint with my PR pack is the hooks they use for the straps that hold the skates in.  This one has the slide in clips which I think make much more sense.

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Thanks for the heads up, been looking to get a backpack style for my first pond hockey tourney experience this February in Colorado.

For $77.98 shipped... or half as much as the others, I figure I will give this a shot.

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