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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

SuperTacks AS3 Pro Innersole Replacement Recommendations?

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Hi there,

since a few months I am skating the AS3 Pros. My first impression was poor innersoles (ecp. in comparison to bauer) but great quality overall, so I bought them. Now, my first impression has proven to be correct. There has build a crinkle in the front part of the sole that hurts my foot.

Do you have any recommendations for fixing respectively recommendations what innersoles I can buy to replace them?

Thanks from Germany!

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4 hours ago, IceMage said:

Hi there,

since a few months I am skating the AS3 Pros. My first impression was poor innersoles (ecp. in comparison to bauer) but great quality overall, so I bought them. Now, my first impression has proven to be correct. There has build a crinkle in the front part of the sole that hurts my foot.

Do you have any recommendations for fixing respectively recommendations what innersoles I can buy to replace them?

Thanks from Germany!

You mean insoles?  Try superfeet



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Stock insoles generally kind of suck, no matter Bauer or CCM (I've heard True offers a decent one, and CCM used to include some better ones years ago called OrthoMove in some skate models but don't think they do anymore).  The ones that come with most skates are more or less just to cover the rivets, they won't offer much more in terms of support.

If you want to upgrade you can look into some of the more popular ones, these are all ones I've personally tried over the years:

  • Superfeet: prob THE most popular... great heel cradle, some arch support, widely available direct from Superfeet, through almost all hockey shops, or amazon.  Yellow and Carbon Pro are the most popular models.
  • CCM Orthomove: still available at major hockey retailers, also sold by the manufacturer Curex on their website, comparable to Superfeet but available with different arch support inserts if you needed more/less arch support.
  • Bauer Speedplates: a different approach using a hard plastic that's moldable, some love it some can't stand it, used to be pretty expensive but now comparably priced to others.
  • Sole custom insoles: They make a variety of different insoles and have some sport models which are great for skates, custom heat moldable and can usually find on sale from the retailer or on amazon (I used these years ago and am currently suing them now since the Superfeet Yellow and Carbon didn't feel right in my new skates).

That's just a few, there's more, if you search "insoles" in topic titles you'll find a bunch of threads with more recommendations. 

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