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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sniper9 last won the day on July 15

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About Sniper9

  • Birthday 01/29/1982

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    Vancouver BC Canada
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  1. Same experience with me. Mainly with the hyperlites feeling about 1/4 size longer bc of the different toecap.
  2. Ya I figured the Velcro was stuck on like that since there's no stitching. It'll definitely eventually peel. Stitching probably doesn't hold up on that material either. Imo they should have the tongue wrapped in a lightweight material where the Velcro patch can be sewn on but I guess that takes away at the cool appearance of the 3d tongue. Did they say how much the tongue was? Edit: on the true site choosing the 3d tongue is $99 cdn more. So if they do sell it separately it'll be easily upwards ot $200.
  3. I get raising the prices but $400 more cdn is a lot. Having a quarter package material where the damage doesn't spread is key. Ie curv composite and Fors composite (from what I've seen).
  4. So looks like True is doing SMUs now... https://www.thehockeyshop.com/products/true-catalyst-arc-senior-hockey-skates The shell looks carbon fiber but description says it's injection molden.
  5. What's the weight difference between the 7 and 9? Without insoles. Also with the 9, do you choose what arch height you want for tht insoles or do they come with two?
  6. Ya agreed. Just something that would be nice. I mean tried has swappable tongues on their retail skates and they don't offer any choice either.
  7. They would've had more success if people were able to choose which tongue they wanted when purchasing the skates new, just like selecting what steel... But to have to spend another $100 bucks for a tongue you like and be stuck with the stock one seemed like a deterrent to me. At least true makes decent tongues and I've successfully created a Velcro system on some Bauers to accept true tongues. Did it for a pair of Bauers that I converted to inlines as the stock tongues on those were shot.
  8. I'd get the 7 because I hate the genetix insoles and their dlc is meh. Get the 7 with some jrz black seel and the insoles of your choice (for me speed plates). But with that said I'm not a fan of the blue accents on the 7. Btw are the custom tailored option no more for the new catalyst line? Seems like they got rid of it with the 9x4 being even more expensive than the cat pros were.
  9. Can't yu get them online? I'm sure stores that had the in stock still have them until they sell out.
  10. Id personally wait. They also added a piece of material that runs along the heel as well. Maybe this is to mask any cracking that might happen down the road... Or as a protective layer to prevent damage. Who knows. Time will tell. I will say I haven't seen any hzdrus heel cracks yet, but not sure how well those have sold vs the tfs and cats.
  11. I don't know that's why I asked. Especially bc you said Tydan steel and didn't say a brand since Tydan hasn't made their own steel since Bauer threatened to sue them.
  12. I don't get what you mean by tydan steel. Is this old stock tydan steel or steel you got from Tydan that is bauer. Are you sure you ordered steel that's for Bauer holders.
  13. You know what. Now that you mention it when I first tried the machs I did get that slight pressure point from the tongue. That was when I tried it in store when it first came out. Fast forward a year later when I actually bought them and I didn't feel the same issue at all. But to me the pressure didn't seem like anything I was concerned about. I wasnt the reason I decided on passing on them back then. I really think lace tension in that area would solve that issue by itself.
  14. All the things you listed could alleviate itself but there's no guarantee. But chances are the tongue will pack in and or just don't tie it as tight in that area. Shadow tongue is pretty similar but supposed to be a bit more flexible.
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