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Iginla curve

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At the beginning of the pandemic I bought 5 Torrey Mitchell easton synergy HTX iginla curve clones. On Tuesday I broke my last one, so I currently have 2 old Sherwood pp ig12 and other various other beat up iginla clones. I’m looking for some help finding something that is right handed. I know pro stock hockey has the tmp code team in the pp12 but the conversion and shipping to Canada isn’t ideal. Has any iginla user tried the mcdavid pro from pro stock sticks? Does anyone have any leads on other sticks? 

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26 minutes ago, heatley15 said:

At the beginning of the pandemic I bought 5 Torrey Mitchell easton synergy HTX iginla curve clones. On Tuesday I broke my last one, so I currently have 2 old Sherwood pp ig12 and other various other beat up iginla clones. I’m looking for some help finding something that is right handed. I know pro stock hockey has the tmp code team in the pp12 but the conversion and shipping to Canada isn’t ideal. Has any iginla user tried the mcdavid pro from pro stock sticks? Does anyone have any leads on other sticks? 

Just from looking at the differences, McDavid pro is a modified Iginla Jr., so you'd be adjusting to two sets of alterations: down in blade length, heel height, and lie to the Iginla Jr, as well as McDavid's added curve and loft. It's related to Iginla, but it's a wild child compared to the rather mild Iginla Sr.

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6 hours ago, heatley15 said:

Also does anyone know if the IC curve here is an iginla clone? 


True’s ic curve was an iginla clone. 

Can you use a p88? It’s not drastically different than the iginla and is more widely available. Chasing the Iggy is gonna get tougher and tougher as the seasons go by. 

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3 hours ago, start_today said:

True’s ic curve was an iginla clone. 

Can you use a p88? It’s not drastically different than the iginla and is more widely available. Chasing the Iggy is gonna get tougher and tougher as the seasons go by. 

Can you confirm the IC is an iginla clone? I have been told it is but also it’s the Dane as the MC which is a p88 clone. 

absolutely it’s going to be hard but I’m not willing to give up on the curve I have been using for 17 years lol I’m sure it will happen soon which will force me buy the 3-4 main curves available and just figure it out.

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