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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande Custom Gloves

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We have had many requests for custom gloves and have been out of that part of the business for a while now... Well, starting as soon as Febuary15th, we will be offering custom gloves again. We will let you know officially when we are ready, but for all interested it will be soon.

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We have had many requests for custom gloves and have been out of that part of the business for a while now... Well, starting as soon as Febuary15th, we will be offering custom gloves again. We will let you know officially when we are ready, but for all interested it will be soon.

7. While we are sure you are proud of your product or employer, retail advertising is expressly prohibited.


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We have had many requests for custom gloves and have been out of that part of the business for a while now... Well, starting as soon as Febuary15th, we will be offering custom gloves again. We will let you know officially when we are ready, but for all interested it will be soon.

7. While we are sure you are proud of your product or employer, retail advertising is expressly prohibited.


That's not quite advertising. Just informing that to everyone because he has been asked about customs many times and probably doesn't want to tell each person individually.

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