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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why so few blade patterns?

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Why is it that some stick/blade manufacturers like Easton and Mission make their top-of-the-line OPS in only a few select blade pattern? I know that some patterns are a lot more popular than others, but if you've already designed certain patterns, why not make them available? It seems like Bauer takes the exact opposite approach: The Vapor XX and XXX are available in pretty much all the patterns they have, and the selection gets smaller as you go down their line-up. Why do Easton and Mission not want to make their best OPS available to the largest number of players? It doesn't make any sense to me.

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1. Because many retailers don't order many of the less common curves.

2. Most of the top of the line OPS use different blade construction, so they would have to make more molds.

3. Most of the time people will take whatever curve is available, even if it isn't their primary choice.

4. If they believed it would be more profitable, they would do it.

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to go along with the curve part, some curves like the Lidstrom or Lecavelier aren't offered in junior or intermediate simply because kids can't get used to it

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I think the 6 or so patterns that each manufacturer offers pretty well covers the range. Couple of different heels, mid-heels, mids, and a few toes. Really anything more you are going to want custom anyway. Seems like most pro patterns are sharp angle heel curves sans a few.

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So why would Bauer take the opposite approach?

This could be.. and I am only guessing.....is because Bauer has the majority of their sticks made by other manufacturers (ie. Innovative) that are already making those patterns under different names. No extra cost for them.

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