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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

New ccm xs holder

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Anyone try out the new xs holder with larger dial? How do you like it? Is the hole to boot pattern same as previous generation xs holder? Ccm isn’t selling holders separately right now. Any one have a set in 263 for sale? Thx 

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Seems the same to me, old steel fits the same. 
it’ll be replaced with the next generation of skate, so you may consider waiting. The steel will be reverse compatible, just the mechanism is changing. 

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The new dial is nice and easier to use, but it's not like you use it all the time so I wouldn't base your purchase on it. The old dial is just fine

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19 hours ago, Nickyd said:

Anyone try out the new xs holder with larger dial? How do you like it? Is the hole to boot pattern same as previous generation xs holder? Ccm isn’t selling holders separately right now. Any one have a set in 263 for sale? Thx 

The holder with the larger dial is actually marginally different from the one with the smaller dial.

If you measure the size of the hole in the holder to accommodate the larger dial, you will see that the new holder has a bigger hole to fit the dial.

The larger dial was previously available only to pros and customers that ordered custom skates. I find it to be significantly better than the smaller dial. It's easier to grip when removing/replacing steel, but also the holder itself seems slightly stiffer too. I imagine since the hole is actually bigger, they reinforced that section a little more. 

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