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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

True 1-Piece Goalie Skate Durability

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Has anyone seen any significant issues with True one piece goalie skates? They always looked like they might become an issue but I haven't ever seen anyone complain about them breaking or anything. I'm deciding what I want to get for this upcoming fall season.

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They are pretty different in terms of feel.

They do chip and crack at the holders if you play a lot of high level, which is pretty much impossible to repair from what I understand. They also howl when you brake, which some can't stand (which I kinda love), and they come with 4mm, which some don't like at all. Folks who get them like how stiff they are and how lower than most it feels (not sure if it actually is).

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6 minutes ago, Giltis said:

They are pretty different in terms of feel.

They do chip and crack at the holders if you play a lot of high level, which is pretty much impossible to repair from what I understand. They also howl when you brake, which some can't stand (which I kinda love), and they come with 4mm, which some don't like at all. Folks who get them like how stiff they are and how lower than most it feels (not sure if it actually is).

I play low level beer league :) I dont care about steel width, I couldn't tell a difference when I went from 4mm to 3mm tbh. I'm probably safe as far as damage from high-level hockey. 

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