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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro stock sticks

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how does everyone get there pro stock sticks i live in a small town and we have no team higher then jr A. Where would i get a pro stock from??? oh i live in nova scotia

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I would assume personally means from the hands of the player himself. There are pro stock sticks available on some occasions at my lhs and I used to have a Bertuzzi grip synergy. Online stores and Ebay especially are good places to look.

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Personally? I took that to mean a custom stick. Like getting custom blades from Easton or Sher-Wood in your pattern.

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E-bay, MSH sell/ buy forum, Perani's, face-off and HSO all have them on occasion. Some LHS carry them as well, but thats kind've hit or miss.

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i live in NS also, and the cleves here has a couple pro stock synergys, or used to. they had roenick and someone else

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My Perani's has a Fleury goalie stick, it looks like a Pro-Return, its fricken sweet.

Would contacting a team work (Like ECHL), saying you are looking to buy stuff?

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