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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ceramic Bearings

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What is the benefit of ceramic bearings? I know the balls roll faster and smoother, and supposedly don't break down as much as steel ones. I've never had a problem with any of my bearings as far as breakdown. Are they lighter in any way?

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Thanks EZ. I found some old topics from back in April, but they only answered where to find them cheap, not more about the tech. specs.

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even when they were on the market and being tested by speedskaters..they never had a big following..and I ran one of the largest speed mail order places in the US

many of the top skaters, even today have a set of Swiss they use for races..and train on some older sets..actually i used to see guys like Chad Hedrick pop a new set of Boss Swiss in some race wheels..go warm up for a few miles..then race on them...proving once again as long as the equip is sufficent..its whats in the legs that counts

its a feature without much of a benefit...

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I have seen some ceramic bearings being sold on ebay. Has anyone tried those? They're so much cheaper than those being sold in stores so I'm wondering if they are any good.

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