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CCM Retro Tacks 652 skates (not the top end “Pro” version)

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On 12/9/2024 at 1:32 PM, lennyboi said:

Hello - was wondering if anyone has had a chance to try these skates? Any feedback back would be greatly appreciated! 
thanks in advance 

Full disclosure. I have the Pro version. I know that wasn't the ask so I'll stick to things that SHOULD be the same for both.

First off, the retro Tacks are simply an XF or XF Pro with a different graphic and liner color.

Some things I assume are common between the two models...

The XF and XF Pro are a completely newish or tweaked boot. CCM extended the facing up along the mid foot adding depth to the skate. New swanky tongue on the Pro.

The new toe box design (no more removable tongues) feels a touch wider but with less height inside. It looks small from the outside. 

There is a lot more padding throughout the skate, including down into the toe box. This was a massive improvement over my last skates. Out of box comfort was pretty decent. 

The heel on the Pro is narrower than a 100k of the same size and fit. Feels a bit deeper too, though maybe that just the padding. 

There are some decent video reviews comparing them to other skates.

Edited by stick9
added structure & context

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