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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Balanced stick with different blade?

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I'm currently using an L-2 shaft with L-2 blade. If I were to replace it with a Vapor XV what would the differences be? As in Weight differencial and balance? Thanks in advance! :D Also switching between a 5.5 and a 5 lie is that a big difference?

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Assuming the tape wear is in the middle of your blade, you may have to change the length of your stick. I find that I need a half inch shorter plug with wood R2 Tkachuk blades than I do with other tapered blades in a 5 lie. Just experiment and see what works best for you.

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Assuming the tape wear is in the middle of your blade, you may have to change the length of your stick. I find that I need a half inch shorter plug with wood R2 Tkachuk blades than I do with other tapered blades in a 5 lie. Just experiment and see what works best for you.

That difference could be due to the fact that I've noticed most wood tapered blades to have slightly longer hosels than composites. Not sure why but that has been the case.

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The lie is higher than 5 in the Tkachuks I had, more like 5.25. The Christian composite tapered blade I have does have a longer hosel, as you mentioned.

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