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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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exercises for balance

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Plyometrics will help with balance to some degree. A balance board is probably the best thing though. standing on a soccer ball will also help. trying to stickhandle while standing on the ball is another good drill.

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If you can't work on these for some reason, you can do at practice too, just work on shifting your weight into the check or bumb or what ever to absorb it better and steady yourself.

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one-legged squats or 'pistols' are great, also various jump roping and leaping off of one foot. kettlebells as well.

how do you do these "pistols"? do you go ALL the way down?

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I have a balance board, and it is a good thing to use for improving balance. You can do a lot of different exercises in order to help your balance with them too. I would suggest it.

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