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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission HE950

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I lead to believe that the mission HE950 skate are the lights skate, but is that true. I have heard that when they tested the weight of the skate they used a size 7 skate. Is there a standard size for testing a skate’s weight? I know that when CCM PF10 is released they will be light then HE950 because they used a bigger size skate. Correct me if I am wrong.

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As I answered in the other thread, mission used an 8.5 for weighing the he950s. I held a pair of pf10s, there's no way they're lighter than my he950s

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Are you sure about that, I was told a different story. Plus there has been numerous problems with the HE950. Lace eyelets breaking away from the boot, the boot breaking down fast. thats what you sacrifice when you try to make a light skate, you lose the durability and strength. Same thing with the stealth stick I have seen a ton of them break within a week or faster.

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They're worth the money if they fit you're foot. If you dont want to drop $400, look at the HE750's. Heavier? Yes, but not by much. Most of the kids i play with here prefer the HE750's over th 950's. And money isnt a problem for any of these kids. And if you do have a problem with the skates, Mission Customer Service is by far the best in the business.

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I'm hard on skates and I haven't seen any sort of breakdown signs in my 950s. I've never had problems with mission skates though. My tours and nikes on the other hand broke down in a little over a summer of playing tournaments, leagues, and open hockey

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best skates i've ever laced up hands down, i said it b4 and i'll say it again. unfortunately i have a problem with my boots, but i e-mailed mission and they responded within an hour.They're sending me a new pair no problem. I second the comment about them having superb customer service.

I was scepticle about spending the money at first, it took me a while to finally decide to buy them. Given the chance, i would pay the same price in a heartbeat now after using them

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For my comments I'll quote myself from the other thread -

"Also, I don't want the pics of my skates to dissuade anyone from considering the 950's- they are an amazing skate, and the boot is the most comfortable I have tried on to date, ice or roller. Unfortunately, myself and Illpaseo just happened to get boots from the "bad batch." I am confident the next pair I get will be fine. If I had to pick out new rollers today, I would still go with the 950's- no doubt about it."

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. My tours and Nikes on the other hand broke down in a little over a summer of playing tournaments, leagues, and open hockey

That's the first complaint I have heard about Tours "breaking down" on any board....which ones were they, and how did they break down? My son has been using the Beemers for about 4 months now, and has had no problems at all, playing semi -pro and platinum Narch level hockey...He is as hard on skates as anyone I know. I have yet to hear or see any complaints about the durability of the new Tour skates from any of the other pro and semi pro players using them..at least any that we know..so I was curious about what your experience was with the Tours.

On the other hand I have seen multiple complaints about the Mission HE 950's on a lot of different posts...particularily about the eyelets ripping out. I have seen at least 20 comments about problems with the HE 950's including one comment from a Pro team player who indicated that his whole team was having problems with the laces ripping out the eyelets or the eyelet strips.

Everyone says they like the 950 boot, agreed and like the light weight and comfort, but if there are this many problems, how can you justify staying with the product?....Back in /97 and /98 we had three consecutive pairs of Missions which exhibited a host of the same problems..eyelets ripping out, tendon guards detaching, outsoles coming loose....and have used anything but Mission ever since...Based on all the complaints, I personally cannot see how much has changed....look at all the complaints on the D1c's too.....

Sorry to all you Mission lovers, and I know you are "legion", but, I guess I am just tired of reading how Mission is the "best" when I read and hear about all these problems with their products.

The only problem we had with the Nikes was the wear on the side of the boot in about 4-5 months use....otherwise they did not exhibit any problems.

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I blew out a bunch of eyelets in my Nikes between getting them around january and the end of piha season.

I had 982 tours, and pretty much ran into the seperating outsole problem that haunted that skate from the start.

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Mission Customer Service is by far the best in the business.

They have to be with all the problems their products have.

Of the two skates I had, a chassis cracked and the other the eyelets were ripping out and the frame was separatin from the boot. I also had two M2 shafts break within 2 months. I got a pair of PF8s and haven't looked back.

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Let's not get into childish fights: "Mission sucks, Tour or Bauer/Nike are

better." or "Mission are the best, everything else suck."

I really wish I can get one of those original 2000 wicked lites and weight

them. There's good chance that they're still the lightest skates ever.

He950s have regular bearings, weight conscious can shave some by

switching to micro-bearings.

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I blew out a bunch of eyelets in my Nikes between getting them around january and the end of piha season.


Another one of the Wolves players bought my son's HiHo's with the Hum'er chassis back in October, and is still using them..I will check and see how they are standing up now..they have about 9 months use with 2 different players.

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