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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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have any of you guys been asked to play another sport by your doctor because of concussions? 3 years ago i had 2 concussions and this year ive had three and the last two were like within the same month and well ,it messed me up. for that past month every friday ive been going to the doctor for checkeps waiting ti get clear and today i was asked to try another sport because my next concussion could be permanent :( im not going to though ,im getting cleared next friday to play practices for a while ,has anyone else had bad experiances with concussions?

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Ive had 6 concussions and a fractured skull, i was told that i probably shouldnt be playing contact hockey anymore. im pretty small, and i took a rest from contact for a year from contact a couple fo eyars ago. Im back playing it now, but i dont regret the break. The last thing you wanna do is take a risk with your head, ive done it before, and its not worth it

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I've had three, one last year in lacrosse, I got hit and my neck went back too far, luckily it didn't turn out badly. I had a neck brace for a day or 2 but that was the worst part, it was only 1st degree. Two I have had this year, I went to the half wall to pick up a reverse, got hit from behind, got onto my knees, shook my head and my vision came back, then I went back up ice (not a good call) and proceeded to get a slashing penalty..lol. Couldn't play the rest of the game though, when my trainer looked at me he was like, yea noo. Then another one was in Lethbridge a few weeks ago and I got cross checked in the back of the head, but it was only 1st degree.

None of them were really bad though, knock on wood.

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usually i do skate with my head up ,but this was a little 3 on 3 tournement at school hockey program so i was just dipsy doodling and fooling around and i hauled arse down the middle driving down the net thinking id just get stickchecked and my own teammate dropped his shoulder and only like 2 weeks before i had a small concussion and thisa lil practise was just to see how i fealt and to see if i could start playing on my team

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thanks theo ,i know i should keep my health in check ,and i will but for now ill keep going i just wont be such a dink on the ice ,slashing people at faceoffs ,taunting ,things like that and ill be more aware of getting hit ,before i was really careless

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the first 2 i was in atom ,and this year ive had 3 and im in bantam ,only 2 have bin decently bad tho

how do you get a concussion in atom? did you run into the boards or goal post?

i think i've suffered a couple concussions in my day, but never had anything checked out or stopped playing. i know thats kinda retarded, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it

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nah i got hit both times

i didn't think there was contact down in atom. i thought it begins in peewee, bantam when i was playing

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nah i got hit both times

i didn't think there was contact down in atom. i thought it begins in peewee, bantam when i was playing

There's contact in every level, legal checking doesn't start until peewee though.

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i've ahd 3, the first i was going to check a kid in the conrer, im coming full spped and at the aslt second the kid drops to his knees, he turtled, anyways it took my legs out from under me and i went head first into the boards,blacked out for about a minute and i couldnt move for about 5 they almsot came out with the backboard and medics 3rd degree out 7 months, the second happened a few months ago, i wasnt looking and a kid on the ohter team hit me in the head with a slapshot, minor thoguh 1st degree, and the lasyt one was a few weeks ago i pusehd a guy after he hit me alte and he took a 2 handed swinch to the back of my head, only minor though

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I got one thanks to getting hit from behind, we were in a tourney in Philly...boy was I ever messed up when we got on the plane after the game. The other one was when I got blindsided trying to deke someone. I beat the kids ass when we played them again.

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