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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm playing against former Philly Flyers today

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The Flyers Alumni team is in town this weekend to play a charity game. Believe it or not we had trouble filing our roster with enough guys to play them. :blink:

Their roster...

Scheduled to appear from the flyers are: Joe Watson, Bob "The Hound dog"

Kelly, Larry Goodenough, Michel Petit, Frank Bialowas, Ray Allison, Dave

Parro, Mark Freer, Dave MacIssac, Rob McInness, Joe Spinelli, Jordan Grant,

Mike black, Don Julich

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What a great experience! They kicked our asses but I'd do that again anytime.

Brian Propp was also on their team. After the game we all went to dinner and I got alot of good skating tips from Brian (mainly that I need to bend my knees more ) :D

Great time and a great bunch of guys.

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I was supposed to play against the Pens alumni team in a couple of weeks but I had to back out.

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I was supposed to play against the Pens alumni team in a couple of weeks but I had to back out.

Any idea who skated for them?

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Cool, all I've ever done is skate against Bruce Driver (he plays goal in a league in north jersey), and Glenn Anderson. Driver is a huge douche.

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Driver was one of many players to end his career by sucking ass in NYC while making big bucks, wasn't he? I remember him, kamensky and hatcher all sucking a lot.

Take slapshots at his head and ask him how it felt taking the Rangers' money.

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He becomes such a bitch if he's touched, or if he gives up more than one goal. I once watched him follow a ref to the red line complaining about a no-call where he thought he was interfered with.

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