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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Two Skate Questions

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1. I have a pair of Mission Pure Fly's used for a season and a had to replace them because the holders and blades were done, I them tightened but it didn't help. So my question is what is the best option in regards to a new holder and steel?

2. I bought a pair of Graf G3s to replace the Pure Flys and they press against my feet by the green Graf logos. My question is what can I do to fix this problem?

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Just get new holders and new runners. Your LHS should be able to put them on for you. Also, the G-3's might be too narrow. Did you get fitted correctly for the skates? Or maybe you just need to wear them and break them in.

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I did get fitted correctly. I believe that are a too narrow at the end. Anyway to make them wider at the end by the green logos?

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That's what I am looking for, punching. Is that done at my LHS or no?

Also any recommendations for new holders, they currently have the original Mission ones that came with them, no drive shaft because they were 2003 Pure Flys?

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They should be able to do that at your LHS, they did it/do it at mine. When I bought mine the right skate, on the right side of my pinkie toe was rubbing up against the boot, so they punched it out, and I was good to go.

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I had the same exact fit problem w/ my 703's. I took them to my LHS for punching and 15 dollars later, my original 350 investment fits.

It's def. worth it.

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I'm a big fan of my Lightspeeds (minus the clicking). Some LHS can punch out skates others cannot. It's worth a shot.

What do you mean by clicking?

Also do you know the best place in the Brantford, Hamilton area to get the punching done?

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The bolt is loose in the back of my Lightspeed, since its on Grafs and I had the wrong drill bit at work I left it.

I'll Pm you about the best places in the area.

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I'll bet the reason your holders came loose was because of the insole. Mission's insoles are a harder plastic, a much tougher material for the rivets to dig into than any other brand. I've seen Mission holders come loose plenty of times. All it takes is a little tighening on each rivet, and maybe flatten the rivets too... I've fixed many a pair that way.

As for the Graf hotspot... a simple punching should take care of the tight spot against your foot.

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Tomorrow I am going to have the pressing done and look into a new set of holders for my pure flys while I am at it, possibly lightspeeds which seem to be the most highly recommended.

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