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NHL season cancelled by friday

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The NHL season was cancelled as of the day the lockout began. You had to know there was going to be no NHL hockey this year.

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From TSN.ca/nhl:

"The NHL released a statement indicating that the talks were continuing - and could go late into the evening hours without public notice."

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I read the same thing as Louie. Maybe Gary and Bob should just do it like they did in '94 - Meet for 48 hours straight or something along those lines.

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These bums should've been doing this since day 1! Meet for a week straight, go back to the union/ owners and discuss. Rinse, repeat. I know they are both waiting eachother out, but its ridiculous for this process to go when a middle ground can be reached where both sides are happy.

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Last I heard they are still meeting ... over 8 hours old today ...

NHL wants a salary cap.

Union wants nothing to do with a salary cap.

NHL says they won't go without a cap.

Union says they won't go with a cap.

When you are that far apart, you ain't gettin crap done, no matter how long you sit in a meeting for.

I think what Ponty's trying to say is the NHL right now is a sinking ship in terms of fan support. They have a weak TV deal with one US network, nobody wants them, their fan base in the states is dwindling. I hope they get the message that if they're gone for an entire year nobody will really care anymore. Players won't get any kind of big salaries if there is no revenue, and owners will make zero profits. It would be nice if they both made some compromises and really got this done, but I don't see anything happening this year.

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Well they've been playing chicken for quite a while now - they cant exactly let it go on forever. I know both sides are far apart from agreeing so i cant exactly say ill be suprised when they cancel the season.

I just miss my hockey...

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They should've cancelled the season after the New Year. Both sides are hard-headed in their choices and it just boggles the mind how they couldn't start talking well before the season was going to start. Yeah, I miss hockey but honestly does anybody even care at this stage of the game?

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there not negotiating. there just playing a game of chicken to see who will give in first.

I don't know......with these guys around there's probably a game of duck-duck-goose going on instead.

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SabresInsider.com has learned that the NHL and NHLPA have negotiated a new collective bargaining agreement and will announce as soon as tomorrow that the league will begin a 28-game season. According to sources, Tampa Bay Lightning player Tim Taylor has told NBC affiliate WFLA in Tampa of such plans by the league. This comes on the heels of a report from ESPN that an NHL owner expected the season to be officially cancelled tomorrow.

SabresInsider.com is currently working to confirm this story and will post any further developments as they become available.

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