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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission L-2

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I agree. The blades are extremely durable. I usually chew up composite blades pretty quick and my 2 L2 bldes have been excelent.

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ehm just one question

which curve is an Morrow/Lidstrom clone?



There is no L-2 similar to the Morrow/Lidstrom. The Hull is an Iggy clone, Hatcher is Peca ,Elias is similar to Modano, Ribiero seems to be like the original Sakic composite pattern, and Leopold is a fugly toe curve.

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I've had two L-2s. I loved the weight, balance, and feel, however neither were very durable.

85 flex broke about a third up from blade on a slapshot in ice after 3 months

100 flex broke right above the blade on a slapshot in roller after 2 months

Despite really liking the shaft, I'm hesitant about getting another.

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