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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quick Question

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I posted about a week ago stating that I'm probably going to get a Vapor XX stick when my LHS gets the Kovalchuk pattern in a 112 flex (I'm 16, but I'm 6'1'', 208lbs) later this month. However, a player on my team (16-17 year olds) got a Synergy SL for a warrenty return on his "silver" Synergy. He got it in a 100 Flex Modano. He let me try it and I really liked it about the same as the Vapor XX. So I'm stuck. I know the Vapors have pretty decent durability so I dont know whether to wait until my birthday (mid-April), and get an SL then, or get a Vapor now. I'm just worried that no one can tell for sure the durability on the SL right now.\

**Does anyone know if the Drury curve will be availible on the SL in a 100 or 110 flex**



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Drury will come 100 flex, but not 110. The entire 2005 Catalogue can be viewed in the Equipment Catalogue/Review Forum and saved to your PC is you so desire.

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