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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightest skate

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Yesterday, I just happened to have two similar size skates in at the same time for sharpening, a Synergy and a Lange, yes Lange. The Lange was very light and it sprung my curiousity, so I put the two on the shipping scale, the Lange was lighter. Yea, I know Lange isn't made any more, but it's technology was way ahead of it's time, molded one piece boot, hinge technology. It had old ICM holders/steel, imagine how light it would be with Lightspeeds or E holders.

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Wow, thats pretty hard to believe. When your on the ice its tough to tell. My snyergys I could tell were lighter than my grafs on ice, but I can't tell the difference between synergys and vapor xxx's.

But anyways I have never heard of this skate before, when did they stop making them? Do you have any pics? Thanks.

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Dude...you're reaching. Obviously there's more material (and padding) in a SyNergy boot than a Lange boot.

It's actually funny because I was sharpening a pair of Lange with clear Tuuk 2000s two days ago...

Tyler - picture old Rollerblades.

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Even though they were discontinued years ago, they do have quite a following. I have prob a dozen or so customers with them and they all love them and will not get rid of them. They all say the boot is very comfortable, even with just the insert's padding. They would buy another pair if they were still made. I'm often told of their quests to find thrift store findings just to scavage inserts, etc.

Still, very light skate and well made. I don't think you'll find many Synergys being still used 20-30 years from now, they'll be long broken down.

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