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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XV Shaft

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Have people had problems with the grip peeling on the XV shaft? I have a TFG shaft and the grip hasn't peeled at all. It's the same grip isn't it? I want a tapered shaft with grip, and I know the synthesis grip has had peeling problems.

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The grip on the XV shaft doesn't really "peel off" like on other shafts, the grip just keeps getting less and less after a while but it doesn't physically peel right off. When the grip becomes non-existant, just run an Easton Tackifying Cloth down the length of the shaft and it'll be as good as new.

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Isn't the grip on the TFG the same as on the XV? I've had no problems with my TFG's grip. Is a tapered Inno the only other option with grip that won't peel?

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i have a novious, its a great shaft - but the stickum is coming off. ive had it a year, it started coming off months ago. still a great shaft though, and most likely better sticky wise than most of the others. less sticky than easton.

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