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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth Blade

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i bought a used pro stock stealth and recently the bottom edge of the blade started to split. the blade is very flimsy now. i was just wondering if there is a way to fix it or will i have to scrap the stick, or would a synthesis blade work in the tapered end?



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do you think if i cut the blade off would a synthesis blade work?

There's a guy on here with a "stealthisis", so i'll say yes.

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most broken one piece shafts break soon after the conversion. i only know of one successful conversion and that was with a tps rubber response and XV blade, a friend of mine has been shooting very well with this stick for over a year. Even bought anohter rubber response and converted it when new, but didnt get the same results. I'd use it until its unusable and then try.

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the stick is pretty useless now. the blade just gives away when shooting off the middle or toe and slapshots are out of the question. so ill probably try putting a synthesis blade in it. the only thing im worried about is the balance of the stick, with the shaft being so light and the blade being maybe alittle heavier than the original. can anyone speak from experience on this?

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most broken one piece shafts break soon after the conversion.

I disagree, but only from my own personal experience. I've converted my old synergy grip, put a synthesis blade in it, it only broke after get this, 10 months, after I threw it at a wall :unsure: . I also did it with a si-core and it lasted for about 2 months, which is my usual shaft length time period. Chupacabraz has a stealthesis, so shoot him a PM and see what he did/how it is working.

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