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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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taper length

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Anyone know the length of the taper of the SL compared to the Stealth? I want to know because I'm planning on getting an SL but was unsure which flex to get since my 100 flex Stealth feels like 90 and some people said that is due to the Stealths longer taper.


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According to Easton, the Stealth has the longest taper available on the market. I've never held any of the new Synergy's yet but I don't think it's going to benefit Easton's sales if the new Synergy's had the same length taper as the Stealth.

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I don't think that a longer taper necessarily means that the stick will be better. I know that's the way that they market them, but there are many other factors. My guess is the Stealth will still be top dog for Easton. On the same note as Mickz post, it would be foolish for Easton to make a cheaper stick better than a more expensive model. They'd never sell any Stealths.

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