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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Graf Skates

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I ordered some 705s back last spring and the warranty is long done, but I had composite soles like the G-Series ones put on them. The sole is separating from the boot in the heel and I was wondering if their is anyway possible to fix them? The guys at my LHS say no there isn't but I just wanted to confirm.

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Sure are alot of problems with graf lately, but I'd definetly look to return those or get ahold of graf and see If they can do anything.

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...but I had composite soles like the G-Series ones put on them.

How much was this custom option? I was under the impression about four years ago Graf was going to start putting these on all there 7 series skates...

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From what I remember hearing, Graf is sort of like Innovative in a way. All their resources are stretched trying to reach the huge demand for their products, but they haven't expanded that much. Sure my year old 705s are having a few problems that my four year old 705s never had, but they're still the best skate for my foot.

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Easy I'm not saying they are bad skates, but we hear more and more bad thing about them here everyday. Just seems like their CS and QC has gone down the dtrain.

I'm not saying you were, I'm just saying he has a right to his opinion and people tend to spread their horror stories alot more frequently than the "good stories". It's difficult to measure companies against Mission and others, especially when we have there reps actively contribute on the board.

Like I said, from the stories I have heard on here, Graf seems terrible in CS, but from the local stories I hear much different opinions.

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bad publicity travels way faster then good, graf use to make a solid product, case and point peple like me sweard by em, I've been wearing graf 703 for six years this is my forth pair and i can truly say that the last version of the 700 line just is not up to par... CS is bad only cause i had to use it, in the past, it obviously was all good cause i never had to use CS...

What I would not give to get my hands on a unused old pair of 703's, the ones with the swede side panels...

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