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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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difference in Inno 1100

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I have 2 1100's. bot polarfibre. One has the stick on graphics and one is painted on. The one that is painted on seems more durable than the other. Is there any diffrence in the 2 other than the graphics?


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Right now they are both holding up great. I have a 440 flex 1100, that I got 2 years ago (thats the painted one) and it dosent feel as durable, but I think thats only because its like a 70 flex. I use this one more then the other, and because its more whippy will probbly break first.

The other is a 2004, 1100 I bought last year. Its a 260 regular. I have used it in about 10 games, so its kinda to eraly to tell.

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