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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Modified Aviator Question

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The coating on Oakley/1Xcels are different than the others. That's why you have to baby it.

Actually, now that you mention it I used to have a 1Xcel shield, and I had 2 Oakleys. And I'm pretty sure all three had the same problem.

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I have always used Oakley spray for my Oakley visors, LHS staff are trained well in that way to encourage it. My fogging problem is only due to the fact that the visor sits too close to my eyes/forehead and creates fogging. I think this is just a flaw in the design of the screw slots not being deep enough. I have an Itech FX 50 half shield that sits farther away from my eyes and it has never required spray of any kind.

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I know someone who tried the Itech and it made the shield milky...

On just an Oakley visor? I haven't had that problem on my Itech visor.

On an Oakley, yes.

From what I know about oakley visors is that they NEED the AFR spray to clean and protect it. Other sprays create that 'milky' effect because it clogs up the pores on the oakley visor.

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