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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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some questions

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Some things I´d like to figure out before stocking up on gear for the playoffs...

1. Easton Gaborik = Yzerman? I know this has been discussed a while ago but did anyone get to see it in person or has a word from an easton rep?

2. Synergy SL is the blade foam filled or solid?

3. T-Flex blades ..... anyone know of a place to get some right handed and also if there is still the carbon version of these around? Will those fit in an XN10 shaft at all?

4. TPS R2 XN10....anyone tried a Synthesis blade in one of them? how does it feel?

Thanks for your opinions guys B)

And finally...a rather stupid question, maybe.... what´s the difference in lie? I mean I never minded about a lie when deciding for a blade or stick...rather only choose it by the curve. Do I understand correctly that a higer lie means that the stick is placed further away from the body?

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Some things I´d like to figure out before stocking up on gear for the playoffs...

1. Easton Gaborik = Yzerman ? I know this has been discussed a while ago but did anyone get to see it in person or has a wird from an easton rep?

2. Synergy SL is the blade foam filled or solid?

I can only answer one of the questions, the Gaborik is basically the Yzerman, but with a 5.5 lie.

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Some things I´d like to figure out before stocking up on gear for the playoffs...

1. Easton Gaborik = Yzerman ? I know this has been discussed a while ago but did anyone get to see it in person or has a wird from an easton rep?

2. Synergy SL is the blade foam filled or solid?

3. T-Flex blades ..... anyone know of a place to some right handed and also if there is still the carbon version of these around?

Easton Gaborik is a Yzerman with a 5.5 lie

Easton SL, I am pretty sure has foam in the blade

Hockey Monkey has wood T-flex blades

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Some things I´d like to figure out before stocking up on gear for the playoffs...

1. Easton Gaborik = Yzerman? I know this has been discussed a while ago but did anyone get to see it in person or has a word from an easton rep?

2. Synergy SL is the blade foam filled or solid?

3. T-Flex blades ..... anyone know of a place to get some right handed and also if there is still the carbon version of these around? Will those fit in an XN10 shaft at all?

4. TPS R2 XN10....anyone tried a Synthesis blade in one of them? how does it feel?

Thanks for your opinions guys B)

And finally...a rather stupid question, maybe.... what´s the difference in lie? I mean I never minded about a lie when deciding for a blade or stick...rather only choose it by the curve. Do I understand correctly that a higer lie means that the stick is placed further away from the body?

3. Cyclone Taylors have some left in RH. I think they're all out of the graphite ones though. The graphite ones were only made in the Drury pattern if you didn't know already. The wood t-flex blades will fit into an XN10 shaft.

4. The synthesis is a pretty light blade so it would make a fairly balanced combo. I don't like the feel of synthesis blades to begin with so I wouldn't rate it as being good in any shaft. It should be ok if you actually do like them though.

Stick Lie question. A higher lie means that the angle between the blade and the shaft is smaller. This would mean that the stick would be closer to your body.

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