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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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alpha nemesis blade

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I have been using the alpha nemesis, and im really starting to like the stick and im using it more and more. The only problem i have is that i really hate the tape residue that sticsk to the rubber vybe insert on the blade. It just wont come off, and its a pain in the ass. Does anyone else with this problem know how to remove the residue? Perhaps a household cleaning chemical?

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i got most of it off by rubbing it really hard when moist, but its a pain. im using renfrew tape, i just wanted to be sure rubbing alcohol wouldnt damage the rubber or weaken it's bond to the blade

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i got most of it off by rubbing it really hard when moist, but its a pain. im using renfrew tape, i just wanted to be sure rubbing alcohol wouldnt damage the rubber or weaken it's bond to the blade

be a man and just use your finger <_<

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When you take the tape off, keep the stick side out, roll it into a ball and gently go over the problem areas. The 2 adhesives generally catch and you can pull them off. I haven't been able to do this with an Alpha, but it works well with my sticks and cannot hurt to try.

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