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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Ignite 1 Gloves

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I was looking across ebay and found some Nike Ignite 1 gloves.

One guy on ebay has about 200 pairs of them and was wondering if anyone had them or had used them before? How do they feel? I have Oakley gloves now, if that makes any difference

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The captain of our team wears them. They are an orginal release year set (1999 or 2000 I think). They are falling apart etc but he still swears by them. I can't stand them as they don't have two piece fingers. But still a great pair in terms of old school feel (but not too old school!) ;)

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i had some ignite 2's, overally pretty good glove, well worth the $45 you'll be paying. mine had 1 peice fingers (i think these have 1piece fingers as well), but they were very comfortable and flexible when broken in. they should have drifit, so they stay pretty comfortable, except the liner starts to smell really bad after a while. also, the air insert helps alot to disperse impact. if you need gloves, go for them

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I had Ignite 2's as well. They were a pricey glove back in the day (almost 150). I found that the palm hardened pretty easily and the plastic ripped through the material that was eventually shredding my hand apart inside.

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what kind of stick did you ahve g? i was just using wood sticks and the rubber/plastic grip thing wore out before the actual palm.

i also doubt that the ignite1 prostocks will have the thing, more likely a thin nash palm

i got my pair for about.. $50 on closeout,

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