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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Air Hockey Table... Help!

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My air hockey table is starting to lose the slip coating on the surface. Like, when the discs move really slowly, sometimes they'll just stop. Anyone know of anything I can spray or rub on to make it run smooth again?

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maybe JIG-A-LOO?

I use it to stichandle on a sheet of acrylic at home.

I'm not familiar with that product... does it leave a color or residue?

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Is it the coating or is it the little air vents being clogged? We have the old USA/USSR bubble top game and have to alcohol it down because it'll get gritty and lose friction that way.

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Is it the coating or is it the little air vents being clogged? We have the old USA/USSR bubble top game and have to alcohol it down because it'll get gritty and lose friction that way.

Just wondering do they still make those, like the USA/USSR ones? I always see the generic blue versus red but I havent seen those.

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I don't think so as I haven't seen one in years. I bought this at a Chuck E. Cheese's for $50.

What a steal lol. Man, now I really wish my dad bought a pool table instead of an air hockey. I'll try to see if the products you guy mentioned will work.

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