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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Golf Clubs

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If you are just starting you are going to want the most "forgiving" clubs you can find. Generally the larger the clubface and the deeper the cavity on an iron, the more forgiving it will be.

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Just remember Golf is just like hockey in the sense that equipment is always going to be about personal preference. What works for others may not work for you. The best advice anyone really could give you is to head out to your local shop, hit a few ball's with every different make/style of club. As far as Graphite vs, non-graph(steel). That to depends on your game/swing. Graphite shafts generally don't hold up as long as the steel shafts do. Gaphite weakens quicker, and by weaken, i mean it becomes a little more whippy and harder to control.

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I love my callaway x-16 pro series, I'm pretty sure you can get the big berthas fairly cheap. Awesome clubs if you want to hit the ball high and straight every time. Good luck working the ball with those though.

I just got teh Caloway X-16'S. I love them. I was going to get a ladies set because im not "big" yet. The guys at the golf shop told me to choke down an inch and try the mens and they worked perfectly.

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I love my callaway x-16 pro series, I'm pretty sure you can get the big berthas fairly cheap. Awesome clubs if you want to hit the ball high and straight every time. Good luck working the ball with those though.

I just got teh Caloway X-16'S. I love them. I was going to get a ladies set because im not "big" yet. The guys at the golf shop told me to choke down an inch and try the mens and they worked perfectly.

If the guys at the shop were any smart they would have had you fitted with the shafts 1 down.

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I love my callaway x-16 pro series, I'm pretty sure you can get the big berthas fairly cheap. Awesome clubs if you want to hit the ball high and straight every time. Good luck working the ball with those though.

I just got teh Caloway X-16'S. I love them. I was going to get a ladies set because im not "big" yet. The guys at the golf shop told me to choke down an inch and try the mens and they worked perfectly.

If the guys at the shop were any smart they would have had you fitted with the shafts 1 down.

I got the next smallest from ladies that there are. I think the guys at the shop are actually pretty smart. Who would of known the clubs would have been so great untill they told me

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Im thinking bout getting some Callaways but there quite expensive.

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Guest LEAFS12

I use Wilsons right no. I like them, but I don't play very competitive so I guess it doesn't matter what kind of clubs I have.

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